Mobile Web 2.0/Mobile 2.0
차세대 모바일 킬러앱 - SNS와 UGC, 2011년까지 130억불 시장
2006. 11. 22. 23:11
시장조사기관인 Informa Telecoms & Media와 제휴한 MEF의 발표 보고서에 따르면 SNS 기반의 모바일 커뮤니티와 사용자 제작 콘텐츠(UGC)의 시장 규모가 2011년 경에는 130억 달러에 달할 것이라고 예측했으며, 사진 및 채팅 기반 서비스가 최고의 수입원이 될 것으로 예상했다.
"The meteoric rise of such sites as MySpace, Bebo and YouTube shows significant consumer demand for social interaction in the digital space," said Daniel Winterbottom, senior analyst at Informa and author of the report. "Adding mobility to these services represents a huge opportunity for mobile operators, who will benefit from a reduction in churn levels, as well as significant increases in data traffic," he added. To add further weight to the importance of this rapidly emerging industry, O2, the UK mobile phone giant, recently announced that it was examining options for getting Bebo onto its handsets, potentially emulating the US deal between Helio and MySpace.
With the growing popularity of sophisticated telephones, Informa forecasts that globally, operator revenue from such services will rise to more than $13 billion by 2011 from $3.45 billion this year. Asia is the most active region, with revenue from "mobile community services" of $1.8 billion this year, followed by Europe at $721 million, according to Informa. Leading the way are companies like Cyworld in South Korea, a creation of SK Telecom that allows cellphone users to share pictures, clips, music, ring tones and games.